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SARP Zielona Góra Branch
President of the branch for the 2019-2023 term: Jerzy Golębiowski.
The purpose of the Society of Polish Architects (SARP), as emphasized in its charter, is to participate in creating the modern face of the country, its culture, civilization and civil society, while maintaining the basic premise - respect for our history of more than a thousand years.SARP pursues its goals through, among other things, creative, scientific and educational activities, supporting the role and status of architects in the design process and the implementation of investments, and acting on behalf of architects in thedefense of their work and copyrights, enacting principles of ethics of the architectural profession and enforcing their observance, awarding and applying for awards, honors and distinctions, and promoting, organizing and participating in the organization of architectural competitions.
Architektura & Biznes – articles