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Real Styrofoam from Arbet, i.e. boards with improved performance properties - you can insulate better, faster and more economically!

01 of December '24

ARBET Styrofoam Factory or

For more than 30 years , 100% Polish Styrofoam Factory ARBET has occupied a leading place in the industry in the Polish market. The brand name of the product, i.e. True Styrofoam, is also known in Europe and beyond.

ARBET's products are manufactured by five modern plants in Koszalin, Gostyn, Przodkowo near Gdansk, Golub-Dobrzyn and Jaslo. The Jasło plant also additionally offers a version of its products that is innovative on a European scale - boards with improved performance properties. Thanks to them you can insulate better, faster and more economically.

Consumers appreciate ARBET

Customers have repeatedly awarded the Factory with the emblem of Consumer Leader of Quality. ARBET has over the years received bronze, silver as well as the most important - gold medals, including in recent years. Other awards include the titles of Super Brand, Good Polish Brand, National Good, Cheetahs, Gazelles and Eagles, and in 2024 Forbes Diamonds.

Prawdziwy Styropian od Arbet czyli płyty o polepszonych wła­ściwościach użytkowych - można ocieplać lepiej, szybciej i oszczędniej!

Real Styrofoam from Arbet, that is, boards with improved performance properties - you can insulate better, faster and more economically!


Product - quality comes first

A full range of ARBET products is produced at each of the five plants. This means that quality must be - and is - the manufacturer's top priority. The policy of maintaining consistent, high quality makes it possible to offer the best, repeatable product.

The company offers as many as a dozen basic types of polystyrene boards. Among them, the well-known white facade polystyrene boards ie:


Przykładowe produkty Fabryki Styropianu ARBET

Examples of products of the ARBET Styrofoam Factory


ARBET also offers three varieties of FASADA GRAFIT boards, an innovative product characterized by increased insulation parameters. Graphite boards allow insulation thinner than traditional boards, without losing thermal insulation properties.

Elewacja ocieplana płytami Prawdziwego Styropianu od FS ARBET

Facade insulated with Real Styrofoam panels from FS ARBET


Styrofoam boards are also on offer:


Płyty styropianowe PODŁOGA/DACH

Styrofoam boards PODŁOGA/DACH


The range is complemented by modern hard HYDROPIAN boards. They combine three features, i.e. low water absorption, excellent thermal insulation parameters and high load resistance. The company also has in its assortment specialized polystyrene such as "soundproof" TONOPIAN (for acoustic insulation), as well as styrofoam, XPS polystyrene, blocks and custom-made shapes.

For more information, visit the company's {tag:Manufacturer} page on the A&B portal.

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