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Precon Polska has changed its name to HM Górażdże Prefabrykacja and joined the Heidelberg Materials Polska group. Being part of a global concern, together with other companies from Poland and the world, we create one brand Heidelberg Materials.
Our goals are to build a sustainable future, satisfy our customers, be innovative and long-term.
Being a part of Heidelberg Materials Poland, we can offer a wider range of services and products, as well as support from the leader in cement production in Poland and one of the largest producers of ready-mix concrete and aggregates.
We are one of the leading companies in Poland operating in the production of reinforced concrete prefabricated elements dedicated to residential, agricultural and industrial construction. HM Górażdże Prefabrykacja, using the international knowledge and experience and the Polish more than 40 years of Jastrobet, boldly competes with other entities operating in the Polish market. Machine park and highly qualified staff ensure the production of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete prefabricated elements of the highest quality.
We invite our current and future Partners and Customers to cooperate with us.