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Olkuska Fabryka Naczyń Emaliowanych „Emalia” Spółka Akcyjna, „Olkusz”
"Olkusz"The Enamelware Factory was founded in 1907 on the territory of the then Russian partition. The factory produces a wide range of quality kitchenware and sanitary ware characterized by durability and solidity of workmanship. With the advancement of technology and development of technology, we have expanded our production range to include products such as aluminum cookware coated with DuPont's Teflon coating, stainless steel products, pressed bathtubs and pressed enamel sinks and shower trays. OFNE Emalia S.A., owner of the "Olkusz" brand, was the first winner of the "Teraz Polska" competition, is also honored with the "Good Design" mark obtained in the design competition, nominated by the Institute of Industrial Design, awarded with such titles as "Gold Medal" in the national fair and many other great awards.
Cooperation with companies such as DuPont, Preussag, Krupp, Dr. Shmitz-Appelt, August Lapple has provided access to the latest technologies. Our products are most successful in Western Europe, Scandinavia and countries of the former USSR.
We are a manufacturer of enameled products with a 114-year tradition.
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