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Industrial doors from Hörmann - a modern and efficient solution

30 of December '24

With a wide range of products and advanced technology, Hörmann is a reliable partner for architects and builders looking for modern and efficient solutions. Regardless of the specifics of the project, it offers customized solutions to ensure safety, functionality and aesthetics.

Its product range includes sectional doors, high-speed doors, roller doors, sliding fire doors, as well as complete docking systems and a wide range of multifunctional doors.

Brama segmentowa Speed

Speed sectional door


Sectional doors

Sectional gates of the 60 series combine the best technical parameters and state-of-the-art design. The steel doors are designed for logistics and warehouse halls, among others. In turn, aluminum gates, glazed over the entire surface, are ideal for car showrooms, vehicle service stations and other representative facilities. Thanks to various design variants, they provide flexibility in the design of new facilities and the modernization of existing ones. They are complemented by a drive and a control unit with a Bluetooth module, which enable digital service solutions and remote maintenance services. In combination with the WA 500 FU axial drive and 560 control, they can open at maximum speeds of up to 1 m/s.

Składana brama szybkobieżna F 8005

F 8005 folding high-speed door


High-speed doors

High-speed doors speed up plant processes and significantly reduce heat loss and draughts. Currently, the world's fastest vertical door is the HS 5040 TurboLux S spiral door from Hörmann. It opens at a record speed of more than 4.0 m/s, which ensures fast and uninterrupted material transport and energy efficiency in processes. The 90% transparent door panel provides excellent visibility. And the impact-resistant polycarbonate sections are highly durable and easily meet the demands of daily use. Hörmann is the only manufacturer to use counterweights instead of springs to balance the weight of the TurboLux door. As a result, there is almost no wear and tear on the door, and maintenance costs are very low, as no springs need to be replaced every 100,000 cycles.

Dok przeładunkowy: rampa, brama segmentowa, uszczelnienie bramy, odpojnice, naprowadzacze i system blokowania kół

Loading dock: ramp, sectional door, door seal, restraints, guides and wheel locking system


Transshipment technology equipment

Equipment for loading and unloading technology, including ramps, dock seals and dock houses, guarantees fast and safe loading and unloading processes. Suitably tailored energy-saving solutions at the loading bay create enormous potential for energy savings, so it is crucial to effectively reduce heat loss through the steel construction of loading ramps. To meet these needs, Hörmann offers the energy-efficient HTL 2 ISO dock leveller. By using a 50 mm thick insulation panel under the platform and a patented movable insulation panel under the ramp, it was possible to achieve approx. 55% better insulation of the ramp in the resting position and during loading and unloading.

Brama ALR F42 Vitraplan z przeszkleniem barwionym w kolorze szarym

ALR F42 Vitraplan door with gray tinted glazing


Hörmann also provides 24-hour, 7-day-a-week service. This means that - should any problems arise - you can simply contact us whenever you need to.

Brama spiralna HS 5040 TurboLux

HS 5040 TurboLux spiral door


For more information, visit the company's {tag:Manufacturer} page on the A&B portal.

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