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Facades and picture perforations

20 of November '24

Discover the world of City Emotion

With City Emotion, RMIG Solutions offers architects, designers, contractors and builders the concept of perforated metal and expanded metal solutions. The metal provides functionality, durability and aesthetics, whether you are designing facades, sun screens or building interior elements.

Elewacje i perforacja obrazkowa

Facades and picture perforation


RMIG Solutions enhances your projects with passion and precision - from initial concept to production and on-time delivery. Working closely with the world's largest supplier of high-quality perforated solutions gives you access to innovative technologies and exceptional competence.

  • 12 offices across Europe
  • Customers in more than 70 countries
  • More than 350 skilled employees

Elewacje i perforacja obrazkowa

Facades and picture perforation


Facades and picture perforation

Whether it's a perforated, embossed or stamped façade, RMIG Solutions is here to help. The City Emotion concept offers an innovative approach and opens the door to creative design of urban spaces and architecture.

RMIG's ImagePerf technology addsan extra dimension to your solutions by allowing you to transfer images, artwork, colors, geometric shapes, typography and more to facade elements using image perforation.

Elewacje i perforacja obrazkowa

Facades and image perforation


Energy-efficient sunshades

Sun screens made of perforated sheets or expanded metal can serve many functions, both in new buildings and during renovations. They can be seamlessly integrated into the facade design and contribute to the energy-efficient cooling of a building, benefiting its occupants.

Elewacje i perforacja obrazkowa

Facades and picture perforations


Wide range of applications

Balustrades, balconies, footbridges, handrails and stairs are key and practical elements that influence architecture and urban spaces. City Emotion from RMIG Solutions offers great freedom of choice and attractive aesthetic qualities.

The use of high-quality perforated sheets for walls or ceilings makes it possible to combine aesthetic considerations with optimal usage conditions. Bespoke designs make it possible to improve the visual appearance while increasing sound absorption, for example.

Elewacje i perforacja obrazkowa

Facades and picture perforation


Get in touch at an early stage

The City Emotion concept offers multiple options for selecting the right materials and processes to create customized solutions with optimal functionality and long life. Engage RMIG Solutions early in the design phase to get the most out of your collaboration.

Elewacje i perforacja obrazkowa

Facades and picture perforations



For more information, visit the company's {tag:Manufacturer} page on the A&B portal.

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