Distinction (ex aequo), theoretical category — Krzysztof Zuber

Distinction (ex aequo), theoretical category

Honorable mention (ex aequo)

category: theoretical master thesis
5 000 PLN

Krzysztof Zuber

"Urban undefined space - a geographical approach"

Faculty of Geography and Geology, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University in Cracow

dr hab. Krzysztof Gwosdz prof. UJ

Jury's opinion

The present work, thanks to the combination of social geography, issues of urbanity, urban planning and the phenomenological discourse of the body of one's own, taken from philosophy, tries to show that man as an individual living incities and residing in them in time and space, constantly constructs a relationship between his sensuality embedded in perception and the geographical physical space in which he moves. The jury appreciated that the author creates his definition of space and focuses on the fact that the resultant of our relationship with space does not always follow a clear line. The theory of undefined space, he proposes, is based on the assumption that perception is often blurred and does not allow one to clearly define the physical qualities of a place as well as to definitively sanction one's feelings about it.

The author theorizes about undefined space, in which the relationship between sense and environment is disturbed and does not allow to clearly define it. He stresses the importance of working with undefined space as an essential element of cities. He concludes that the phenomenon itself is important in the study of the changing urban fabric, leading to its improvement. The great value of the work is that the theory proposed by the author is embedded both in the most important spatial concepts of modern urbanism and in classical Platonic philosophy.

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