Khan al Ahmar

deadline for submitting works


Schools for Palestine

organizer: Archstorming, Wallah We Can

International platform Archstorming and NGO Wallah We Can have announced a competition to design innovative mobile schools for Palestine that, if ordered to be demolished, can be easily relocated and reassembled in another location.
International platform Archstorming and NGO Wallah We Can have launched a competition to design innovative mobile schools for Palestine that, if ordered to be demolished, can be easily relocated and reassembled in another location.


The goal of the competition is to meet the urgent need for educational space in the West Bank. The mobile schools are intended to be an emergency response to the demolition of more facilities in the region and provide children with a sense of stability and normalcy in conflict zones.


The mobile schools, constructed of lightweight materials, are to offer quick deployment to different locations as needed to minimize disruption to the educational process.

The school is to be located in the village of Khan Al Ahmar, located in Area C of the West Bank (60% of Area C is under Israeli control). It lacks basic services such as electricity, water and education, and residents recycle all materials into ones that can be used to create living spaces, the most common materials used in their homes being corrugated panels, wood (usually pallets), fabric, tanks and wheels.

The plot of land for the project is located on the slope of the western part of the village. It is 34 meters wide and 55 meters long. The design of the mobile school should be flexible and allow changing the function of individual spaces as needed. It should include four large classrooms that can be divided into two/three, a multipurpose room, office space, sanitary facilities, a medical room, an outdoor playground and rest areas.

The school's structure should be lightweight, portable and created from locally sourced materials. The modularity of the solution and the use of prefabricated elements has the potential to significantly speed up the construction process and ensure its consistency, as well as allow for easy expansion or reduction in size if necessary. Given the high temperatures often experienced in the region, it is important that the structure be able to withstand extreme heat. It is also important to think about the future - structures should be adaptable from temporary to permanent solutions.

Participation in the competition is open to architects and design students from around the world. Projects can be submitted individually or in teams of up to four participants.

The registration fee is respectively:
  • during early registration: €70 + VAT
  • during standard registration: 90 € + VAT
  • during extended registration: 110 € + VAT
  • during final registration: 130 € + VAT


  • early registration: August 12 - September 11, 2024
  • standard registration: September 12 - October 9, 2024
  • extended registration: October 10 - November 6, 2024
  • final registration: November 7 - December 2, 2024
  • deadline for submission of works: December 2, 2024
  • announcement of results: December 21, 2024


  • 1st Prize: €6,000 and construction
  • II Prize: €2,000
  • III Prize: €1,000
  • Two honorable mentions: 500 €


  • Alejandro Aravena, winner of the 2016 Pritzker Prize, architect from the ELEMENTAL studio
  • Lesley Lokko, curator of the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale, founder of the African Futures Institute
  • Sumayya Vally, designer of London's 2021 Serpentine Pavilion, architect and founder of Counterspace studio
  • Tosin Oshinowo, architect and founder of Oshinowo Studio
  • Lotfi Hamadi, founder of the NGO Wallah We Can
  • Nasser Golzari and Yara Sharif, architects and founders of the Palestine Regeneration Project
  • Karim Chaabane, architect and co-founder of Arké Architecture studio
  • David Sanderson, development and emergency expert, professor at the University of New South Wales
  • Ahmed Al-Mallak, architect and initiator of the Tamayouz Excellence Award
  • Bayram Zgolli, architect and founder of Faber Architects
  • Amer Abu Matar, architect and designer, lecturer at Birzeit University in Palestine

more information

For details on the competition and rules and regulations, visit the official competition website.



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