
deadline for submitting works


Competition for the development of an architectural concept together with land development for the investment entitled Construction of an educational complex in Zielona Białołęka in the area of Siena Street.

organizer: City of Warsaw, Białołęka District Office

The Białołęka District Office of the Capital City of Warsaw has announced an architectural and urban planning competition for the development of an architectural and land use concept for an educational complex in Zielona Białołęka. The competition is recommended by the SARP.

The Białołęka District Office of the Capital City of Warsaw has announced an architectural and urban planning competition for the development of an architectural and land use concept for an educational complex in Zielona Białołęka. The competition is recommended by SARP.


The purpose of the competition, as we read in the regulations, is to select the best architectural concept for the school, which should be inviting, designed to stimulate children's imagination and respond to progress, as well as include environmentally friendly solutions. The solutions adopted should remain in accordance with the Architectural and Functional Standards for Elementary Schools and School-Preschool Complexes of the City of Warsaw.

Educational spaces should be flexible, multifunctional. When designing a school, it is important to keep in mind the possibility of using part of the building and outdoor areas after working hours for the benefit of the local community. Communication and recreational spaces inside and outside the building should provide opportunities for both larger groups and separation from the crowd, facilitated, for example, by recesses, arrangement of space under the stairs, etc. It's also good to think about greater openness, glazing between halls and circulation spaces. The building can also serve an educational function, exposing elements of infrastructure, construction.
It is important to pay attention to details, aesthetics, architectural education and the environment, as well as low operating costs. An important consideration is to improve the quality of educational conditions by ensuring high standards of learning for students with special needs.
The competition is to determine the best architectural concept in terms of visual, utilitarian and economic aspects.

terms and conditions

The competition is conducted in a limited, one-stage competition procedure.

The competition task is to create an architectural concept of an elementary school building with accompanying infrastructure in Zielona Białołęka, Sieczna Street, Warsaw. The designed building will serve educational purposes for students without and with various disabilities. The entire building is to consist of 24 branches for students in grades I-VIII; 8 special branches with back rooms and therapy rooms (to be located in a separate wing of the school to ensure quiet during both lessons and breaks); accompanying field facilities.

The building should be functionally divided into the following parts: administration, teaching block for children attending the mainstream divisions, teaching block for children attending the special divisions, canteen with kitchen facilities and dining room, sports hall with the necessary locker room and sanitary facilities, along with storage facilities for sports equipment (the part of the building where the sports hall will be located is also planned for small sports events and group meetings).

All educational classrooms, cafeteria, sanitary facilities, locker rooms and administration should be designed without architectural barriers to ensure free access for people with different types of disabilities.

The building should be designed as low-carbon (preferred: zero-carbon), with the use of RES. It is possible to realize a building with a maximum height of 12 m - three overground floors and one underground floor. Colors on the facade of the building should be subdued. It is possible to use plants on the walls of the building, when selecting plants and related design solutions, however, it should be remembered that the cost of their maintenance should not be too high. The following should be located in the free area: a biodiversity zone, areas with recreational, leisure and educational functions, playgrounds, plazas and access and parking areas.

For more information, see the competition regulations


  • First Prize - PLN 40,000 gross and an invitation to negotiate a sole-source contract for the performance of a service based on the selected competition work.
  • II Prize - PLN 30,000 gross
  • III Prize - PLN 20,000 gross
  • two honorable mentions - PLN 10,000 gross


  • Deadline for submission of applications for admission to the competition: until October 7, 2024, 1:00 pm
  • Deadline for admission to the competition: up to 4 weeks after the deadline for submission of the application for admission
  • Deadline for submission of competition works: 8 weeks after the invitation is sent
  • Announcement of competition results: 6 weeks after submission of competition works

the competition court

  • Halina Szulborska - chairwoman of the court, architect
  • Piotr Bujnowski - referee, architect
  • Martyna Rowicka-Michałowska - deputy referee, architect
  • Mariusz Wajszczak
  • Mirella Kondratiuk
  • Dorota Jankowska
  • Agnieszka Sochacka - architect
  • Marek Konopka
  • Miroslaw Urbanski
  • Justyna Kacprzyk
  • Agata Witkowska
  • Marcin Braniewski - secretary of the competition, Department of Public Procurement for Białołęka District
  • Donata Kończyk - accessibility expert (without voting rights)

more information

More details can be found on the contest website.





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