deadline for submitting works
15.10.2024Concrete architecture 2024
organizer: Chair of Architectural Design WA PK and Association of Cement Manufacturers
Entries for the National Academic Competition for the best thesis of the year, CONCRETE ARCHITECTURE 2024, organized by the Department of Architectural Design of WA PK and the Association of Cement Manufacturers, have begun.
The establishment of the Concrete Architecture Competition was born from the conviction of the appropriateness of drawing the attention of diploma students to the qualities of the building material, which is becoming an element of a special game for the shape of architecture. What role does concrete play in this game? Here it is necessary to quote Professor Dariusz Kozlowski, who says so: "concrete for an architect is what a diamond is for a jeweler: properly polished it becomes a diamond". Architecture has always used material means - the building material, but its goal was to elevate matter above that matter. The idea of the Competition is to direct attention to inventing the right relationship between concrete and the shape of architecture. It should also be recalled that the animator of the project was Prof. Dariusz Kozlowski, and the long-time commissioner of the competition was Prof. Maria Misiągiewicz. Director of the Office of the Association of Cement Manufacturers Prof. Jan Deja built the foundation of the Competition with the words: "we give you a material that you can transform into any form: breathe the spirit into concrete".
terms and conditions
The Competition is aone-stage competition.
The Competition accepts entries with a participation card confirmed by the thesis supervisor and the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture. (The participation card will be forwarded by the Competition Office to the Deans of the Faculties of Architecture and is available on the competition website).
From the submitted projects, the Jury will distinguish any number of works Nominated for the Award. The nomination consists of: a diploma of the Concrete ARCHITECTURE 2024 competition for the author and promoter of the work.
From the nominated works, the Jury awards 3 equal Awards of the Competition. The award for the author/author and the promoter/promoter of the work is:a diploma of the competition BETON ARCHITECTURE 2024 and a cash prize.
In addition, the authors of the awarded works receive a statuette Concrete Architecture by Dariusz Kozłowski.
The Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at PK and the Competition Commissioner appoint a jury of a minimum of five persons, consisting of professors from architectural universities, including the jury chairman and the referee. The Jury shall include a representative of the Cement Manufacturers Association. The organizers may invite a non-academic architect from the country or abroad to participate in the Jury.
The Jury is chaired by the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at PK or another member of the Jury. The competition commissioner is a member of the jury. Organizational secretaries participate in the work of the jury without voting rights.
01.10-15.10.2024 acceptance of competition works (with application sheets) in the form of pdf files (boards + description) of the defended work to the e-mail address (limitation to 20 mb) or wetransfer.
28.10.2024 announcement of the results of the competition. Conference and Exhibition Pavilion "Boiler Room" 24 Warszawska Street in Cracow at 12.00.
more information
More details can be found on the contest page.