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Katarzyna Jagodzińska
Katarzyna Jagodzinska is an assistant professor at the Institute of European Studies at Jagiellonian University and chief specialist at the Institute of European Heritage at the International Cultural Center in Krakow. She graduated in art history and journalism and social communication at the Jagiellonian University. She earned her doctorate in museology. She specializes in issues of museum studies and cultural heritage. She is the author of the books "The Time of Museums in Central Europe. Museums and Centers of Contemporary Art (1989-2014)" (Krakow, 2014), "Art Museums in Australia" (Krakow, 2017), "New Places of New Art in Central Europe" (Krakow, 2019), "Museums and Centers of Contemporary Art in Central Europe" (Routledge) and numerous articles on museology and art. Co-editor of the volumes "The Limits of Heritage, 2nd Heritage Forum of Central Europe" (with Jacek Purchla, Krakow, 2015) and "Potential of Heritage. Socio-Economic Examples from Central Europe" (together with Joanna Sanetra-Szeliga, Krakow, 2017). Fellow at the University of Melbourne (2014/2015) and the University of Cambridge (2013). Local editor of the international art history journal "RIHA Journal" from 2010-2016. Fascinated by post-industrial architecture and its contemporary reading, Pre-Raphaelite art and Australia.