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Tomasz aleXander Mielczyński
Tomasz aleXander Mielczynski
Architect of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland by profession, a free man by spirit, a scout by passion. He resides in the countryside, somewhere behind Notec where, as an amateur farmer, he tries to run a small farm. A lover of analog stuff, good detective stories, the best fantasy and pre-war guidebook literature. Husband of one wife, father of six children for whom he does what he does.
And besides:
Board member of the National Association of Natural Building
Since the beginning of his professional career involved in the design and supervision of the implementation of passive, energy-efficient and ecological buildings.
Author of many buildings completed in the passive building standard according to the Darmstadt methodology, including, among others, the first passive house estate in Poland.
His current professional interests focus on issues of designing for optimization of primary energy consumption throughout the life cycle of a building, and designing for circulation with a particular focus on natural material and installation solutions.
A member of the Chamber of Architects, he has been authorized to design without limitations since 2010. Studied Architecture at the Gdansk University of Technology He finished his studies with the defense of his master's thesis "Study of Passive House Architecture according to W.Feist's definition".