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POLE Architects is a Warsaw-based studio of Bartłomiej Popieli, Wojciech Gajewski and Łukasz Gniewek.
Mountain architecture, non-mountain architecture - "Our Home" Family Support Center in Zakopane
How to hide a large building in a valuable landscape? Planet Earth's Tatra Archives has the answer to that
#YoungPolisharchitects - Bartłomiej Popiela on the profession of architecture.
"Architecture is an opportunity for continuous development". 10 questions for Wojciech Gajewski of POLE Architects
Facts, people, money. Bartlomiej Popiela of POLE Architects in the series "10 Questions to..."
Function, form, light. Architecture in three words according to Lukasz Gniewek of POLE Architects.
Modular block of an apartment building from POLE Architects
Bookworm Cabin - a dream place to spin literary fantasies
Architecture that gives way to trees
A platform that makes lighting design as simple as never before
Internal hydrant DN52 ECO - modern fire protection by Boxmet Ltd. Ltd.
Cyber threats and protection for architecture firms