Green City


Green City

na okładce:

Malgorzata TOMCZAK

Green City

In the April issue of A&B, we look at how the green revolution is changing the faces of our cities. Much remains to be done, despite the fact that the problem is being recognized by the European Union, followed by legislation, organizations like the United Nations or the International Union of Architects, and by national governments.

Today, with sustainability becoming a priority, more and more attention is being paid to how architects and landscape architects should work together to create greener and friendlier urban environments.

In this issue, we present innovative solutions that help create green cities, where nature blends with urban infrastructure and residents benefit from healthier and more sustainable lifestyles. We look at best practices, inspiring projects and the challenges of building and maintaining green cities.

We invite you to read on!


Table of Contents


Nowicki United [18]

Interview with Karolina Częczek and Kacper Kępiński
interviewed: Ania DIDUCH

I don't fold my arms [24].

Interview with Prof. Ewa Kurylowicz
interviewed by Wojciech FUDALA

Noise in the city [30]

Interview with Daniel Mermer
interviewed by Klaudiusz SZWAJKA

My dream was a house without a fungus [34].

On housing shame
Magdalena MILERT

Female architects "welcome" [40].

Interview with Anne Labroille
interviewed: Dorota BIELAWSKA

La via dell'acqua. Renaturalization of a section of the Is Cungiaus riverbed and design of a climate shelter [46].

"Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE" competition
Katarzyna JAMIOŁ

Architecture of welfare. Interior design of a molar-line building in Wroclaw (biophilic design) [48].

Competition "Best Diploma of INTERIOR DESIGN

newsboard [50-57]

books, exhibitions, competitions, patronages, memories, news

  • Rozmowa z Karoliną Częczek i Kacprem Kępińskim
  • Rozmowa z prof. Ewą Kuryłowicz
  • Rozmowa z Danielem Mermerem
  • O wstydzie mieszkaniowym
  • Rozmowa z Anne Labroille
  • Riken Yamamoto zdobył Nagrodę Pritzkera 2024

e-publication supplement

Amalgam of nature and industry. Development project of Szachty ecological use [e02].

"Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE" competition.

Urban planning and architectural concept of a residential and commercial development complex in Gen. Władysława Andersa street in Gliwice. Design concept using pro-environmental solutions on the basis of models of the Settlement Game [e06].

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE".

Man in the world of flora - a story about common nature. Artistic and educational installation [e10].

"Best Interior Design Diploma" competition.
Dominika G£¡B

Interior adaptation of a building in the Old Slaughterhouse complex in Szczecin [e14].

Competition "Best Diploma of Interior Design
Mateusz SAK

  • Emilia CHOLEWA: Amalgamat przyrodniczo-poprzemysłowy. Projekt zagospodarowania użytku ekologicznego Szachty
  • Natalia DYMARSKA: Koncepcja urbanistyczno-architektoniczna zespołu zabudowy mieszkaniowo-usługowej przy ulicy gen. Władysława Andersa w Gliwicach width=
  • Dominika GŁĄB: Człowiek w świecie flory – opowieść o wspólnej naturze. Instalacja artystyczno-edukacyjna
  • Mateusz SAK: Adaptacja wnętrza budynku w kompleksie Starej Rzeźni w Szczecinie

theme of the issue

moodboard [62].

#how to achieve circularity in design
#the most important challenge for the near future in the context of landscape design

Katarzyna Kobierska
The most important challenge for the near future, in the context of landscape design

Magdalena Milert
How to achieve circularity in design?

Alexander Lech
How to achieve circularity in design?

Gierbienis + Poklewski
How to achieve circularity in design?

Karol Podyma
How to achieve circularity in design?

Green infrastructure in practice [80]

Joanna RAYSS

Praise for laziness [88].

Wojciech JANUSZCZYK is interviewed by Ania DIDUCH

Trees in the city need special treatment [94].

With Katarzyna ROZMARYNOWSKA talks to Ewa KARENDYS

Nature conservation is decided in cities [102].

With Kasper JAKUBOWSKI is interviewed by Ola KLOC

Where's the Revolution? [116]

With Marcin GAWROŃSKI, talks Wiktor BOCHENEK

POPS - how private spaces can become a public good [122]


Press Release [136]


The art of bunkers [138]]

Jakub GŁAZ

  • Joanna RAYSS: Zielona infrastruktura w praktyce
  • Pochwała lenistwa - Z Wojciechem Januszczykiem rozmawia Ania DIDUCH
  • Drzewa w mieście wymagają specjalnego traktowania - Z Katarzyną Rozmarynowską rozmawia Ewa KARENDYS
  • Ochrona przyrody rozstrzyga się w miastach - Z Kasprem Jakubowskim rozmawia Ola KLOC
  • Where’s the Revolution? - Z Marcinem Gawrońskim rozmawia Wiktor BOCHENEK
  • Mateusz CYGANEK: POPS – jak prywatne przestrzenie mogą stać się publicznym dobrem
  • Jakub SZCZĘSNY: Prasówka
  • Jakub GŁAZ: Sztuka bunkrów

Issue preview