Malgorzata TOMCZAK
Is architecture a good business?
What does one earn in architecture? To accurately answer this question, you need to take into account a myriad of variables. After all, in today's world there are no quick and easy answers.
The title of our magazine, and for the past two years of the portal, might suggest that architecture & business are a matched pair.
Is it really? I omit that it is the mostntis title, and at that time, those almost thirty years ago, the word "business" was making a dizzying career, sounding fashionable and modern.
And what is it like today? Is architecture & business still an obvious combination in the context of practicing architecture and architecture profession? What kind of start in professional life do design graduates have?
We invite you to read this issue of A&B. We point out possible answers. However, we do not promise that more questions will not arise.