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Wide range of applications for OCTANORM system solutions

27 of November '24

OCTANORM's system solutions are distinguished by a wide range of applications: from advanced trade show booths to modular exhibition systems to modern interior design. A wide range of aluminum profiles and accessories makes it possible to realize even the most ambitious projects, where elements can form cohesive walls, ceilings and floors.

OCTALUX - najnowocześniejsza technologia profili świetlnych

OCTALUX - state-of-the-art light profile technology


OCTANORM systems are characterized by many advantages: high quality, excellent finish, exceptionally long service life, simple installation, timeless design and environmental friendliness. Constructions made of aluminum - a lightweight, stable and fully recyclable material - support sustainable development.

Podświetlane ramy i ściany do aranżacji wnętrz

Illuminated frames and walls for interior design


OCTALUMINA backlit frames and walls attract attention with their perfect appearance and evenly illuminated graphics. Their modular design makes them ideal for interior design. Illuminated doors mounted flush with the wall blend into the overall design, creating an impressive spatial impression.

Pomieszczenia z podświetlonymi ścianami

Rooms with illuminated walls


Modular self-supporting aluminum structure OCTAWALL PRO adapted, among other things, for mounting LED screens. LED panels placed in the frame create an aesthetically pleasing and consistent surface with a depth of only 80 mm. Regardless of the purpose - a trade show booth, hybrid showroom, museum or multimedia presentation - OCTAwall PRO meets the highest technical requirements while opening up space for creativity.

OCTAlux is more than a lighting system - it is a true revolution in space design. OCTAlux light profiles are equipped with LEDs based on Chip-on - Board (COB) technology, which sets new standards of quality and performance.

Samonośnie, stabilne ściany do muzeum, salonu wystawowego

Self-supporting, stable walls for museum, showroom


Thanks to COB LEDs, the OCTALUX system provides exceptional light quality, a wide angle of illumination and much higher energy efficiency compared to traditional solutions. They are characterized by high brightness, long life and even illumination with no visible points of light.

OCTAlux combines the full color spectrum with the durability and stability of aluminum profiles, offering architects unlimited possibilities for creating unique lighting arrangements.

Nowoczesne linie świetlne, precyzyjne kontury i nieskończone możliwości aranżacyjne. - OCTAlux to rozwiązanie, które otwiera przed architektami nowe horyzonty w projektowaniu przestrzeni. Dzięki zaawansowanej technologii COB-LED i 16,8 milionom odcieni kolorów, możesz tworzyć zarówno subtelne akcenty, jak i spektakularne instalacje świetlne. OCTAlux łączy estetykę z funkcjonalnością, oferując elastyczność w dopasowaniu do każdej wizji. Od eleganckich wnętrz po dynamiczne przestrzenie publiczne - nasze profile świetlne to narzędzie, które podkreśli charakter Twojego projektu i nada mu unikalnego blasku.

Modern light lines, precise contours and endless design possibilities. - OCTAlux is a solution that opens new horizons for architects in space design. Thanks to advanced COB-LED technology and 16.8 million shades of color, you can create both subtle accents and spectacular light installations. OCTAlux combines aesthetics with functionality, offering the flexibility to fit any vision. From elegant interiors to dynamic public spaces, our light profiles are a tool that will enhance the character of your project and give it a unique glow.


For more information, visit the company's {tag:Manufacturer} page on the A&B portal.

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