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Warm foundations for windows, doors and garage doors

29 of December '24

Meet Puroterm - a foundation with reliable waterproofing for windows, doors and garage doors that guarantees extremely strong support and excellent insulation of the sub-threshold zone, providing peace of mind and energy savings!

Why was PUROTERM created?

Window and door thresholds have been freezing, leaking and sagging since they were first manufactured. This is still a common phenomenon today. Since the threshold zone is one of the key ones when we talk about heat loss and maintaining the comfort of homeowners, we decided to solve this problem. We created a product that would not only carry the enormous weight of increasingly heavy windows, but also protect the threshold zone from water and cold. This is how Puroterm was created.

Każda warstwa ma znaczenie. Od lewej: płyta hydroizolacyjna zewnętrzna; płyta tworzywowa nośna; płyta poliuretanowa o ogromnej odporności na ściskanie; płyta wodoszczelna wewnętrzna

Every layer matters. From left: exterior waterproofing board; load-bearing plastic board; polyurethane board with tremendous compressive strength; interior waterproofing board


Foundations for windows

These are the ones we focused on at the beginning. Why? Because the existing solutions were no good. PVC extensions were cold, those made of hard polystyrene were insecure and troublesome to install, and those made of styrodur were too weak. The new foundation was supposed to eliminate these problems. We succeeded, although we are still working to improve the product.

Puroterm PRO pod drzwiami zewnętrznymi. Przenosi obciążenia przekraczające 20 ton/m. Z łatwością udźwignie każde drzwi.

Puroterm PRO under an exterior door. It carries loads in excess of 20 tons/m. It will lift any door with ease.


Supporting door thresholds

Definitely an essential solution. When designing Puroterm for exterior doors, we were aware that their thresholds are diverse in terms of the materials they are made of, as well as their overall design: closed, open, irregularly bent, etc. We were keen to eliminate, first of all, the phenomenon of sill bending during the daily operation of the door, as well as its freezing and coldness around this zone. Our product, in tandem with properly executed installation, eliminates these problems.

Puroterm PRO. Cztery grubości do wyboru zapewniające dopasowanie do kształtu każdego profilu okiennego i progu drzwiowego

Puroterm PRO. Four thicknesses to choose from to ensure fit to the shape of any window profile and door threshold


Sliding doors and the shape of the letter "T"

The problem we faced when creating Puroterm for low-threshold HST sliding doors was how to attach it to their threshold. A risk that had to be eliminated was drilling the threshold "all the way through." Another issue was the selection of the right length of screws, which was becoming problematic with high foundations. So we created a canopy that not only solves the above problems, but also significantly speeds up and simplifies installation.

Puroterm HS przykręcony do progu drzwi HST za pomocą śrub o długości jedynie 45mm. Montaż jest łatwy i szybki, a materiały do montażu powtarzalne

Puroterm HS bolted to the threshold of the HST door with screws only 45mm long. Installation is easy and fast, and the materials for installation are reproducible



  • Elimination of the thermal bridge under the door - our goal was to eliminate the thermal bridge under the garage door. Although this is an area that is often overlooked, it should not be ignored. Heat losses generated by the garage in the body of the building significantly affect the thermal efficiency of the entire house.
  • Maintaining full tightness after closing - we have created a docking threshold to completely protect the area where the door meets the floor providing protection against the three most common threats: rain, wind and pests.

Puroterm HEAVY z uszczelką GR zamontowany pod segmentową bramą garażową. W parze z uszczelką dolnego segmentu bramy tworzy ekstremalnie skuteczną szczelność jednocześnie eliminując liniowy mostek termiczny

Puroterm HEAVY with GR seal installed under a sectional garage door. Paired with the gasket of the lower section of the door, it creates an extremely effective seal while eliminating the linear thermal bridge


Puroterm Heavy + GR

We equipped the GR garage door threshold with a tongue that connects to the groove milled into the Puroterm Heavy foundation. Thanks to this, we have significantly increased the tightness of the connection by facilitating correct attachment to the sill. The result? Thermal bridge eliminated, and tightness guaranteed.

For more information, visit the company's {tag:Manufacturer} page on the A&B portal.

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