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LED Labs S.A.
LED Labs S.A. is a Polish manufacturer, a category leader in LED linear lighting systems and the creator of the world's only 3D tool for creating customised linear lighting systems — K3D LUMINES Lighting.
LED Labs is passionate and determined to change the perception of LED lighting. Our technology and the solutions we provide create a unique experience for Users and make a positive impact on the world and the environment we live in.
Discover with us the possibilities of LED technology through our brand portfolio: LED Labs Lighting, LUMINES Lighting, Cobalt Electro.
For more information on our new products and offerings, please visit: www.led-labs.pl
Administration, Production: 28 Biskupińska Street, Kraków
Logistics Centre: 44 Półłanki Street, Kraków
Showroom: 2C Zakopiańska Street, Kraków