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Minimalist, modern and safe

24 of November '22

Variety of solutions in Ponzio aluminum systems

Structures made with aluminum systems PROCURAL Sp. z o.o. (wcześniej: Ponzio Polska) are considered premium products, which in the long run bring benefits of their own. Their extraordinary durability ensures long-term use, energy-efficient solutions - lower operating costs, and ecological material - recyclability. All these qualities translate into financial benefits and concern for the environment.

Okna „SLIM”

Windows "SLIM"


Energy-efficient and minimalist

The special design of the profiles provides high thermal insulation, resulting in savings in heating and cooling of rooms. For houses and apartments we recommend modern windows in the passive aluminum system Ponzio PE96. It allows the construction of large dimensions and glazing, creating a solid, large-scale structure, which at very low temperatures outside acts as a thermal barrier and maintains optimal thermal comfort inside the room, and on sunny days lets in more daylight, thus providing additional solar energy. If you live in a townhouse, it is worth investing in SLIM windows with a narrow profile and large glazing. We gain more light, and the rooms become even more spacious. Importantly, even with such a narrow profile, the window achieves high thermal insulation (Uw < 0.8 W/m2K). In turn, for post-industrial loft apartments, windows with a narrow profile SLIM INDUSTRIAL are a great fit. Necessary equipment for windows of the portfenetr type, often found in historic tenements, are system glass balustrades(Ponzio FB51) that act as an aesthetic partition to protect against falling out and have the appropriate certificates.

Okna w systemie pasywnym Ponzio PE96

Windows in the passive system Ponzio PE96


They arrange the interior space

In keeping with the aesthetics of increasingly popular industrial and loft interiors are Ponzio OF90 IW interior partitions designed for the development of both office and residential spaces. Slender profiles and muntins creating delicate divisions allow free shaping of space and matching the style of a given interior. The system allows the use of swinging and sliding doors. Loft walls can also be combined with the interior wall system Ponzio OF90 distinguished by very high acoustic insulation parameters.

Both systems are characterized by the consistency of development with the possibility of any arrangement of space. The walls do not limit the access of light, and even visually enlarge the space. Thanks to industrial elements, they emphasize the modern design of the office or apartment.

Drzwi harmonijkowe w systemie Ponzio PE78FOLD

Folding doors in the Ponzio PE78FOLD system


Spacious exit to the terrace

In a living room with an exit to the terrace, sliding system doors work well. We have a number of solutions at our disposal: among them, the SMART type hybrid sliding door system (SL1700) combining the advantages of sliding doors and a sliding window, SL1800 lift-and-slide doors (the so-called HSs) - the most popular solution offering many variants, and the most complicated type in terms of construction: the large and narrow-profile SL2000 Greatvision design. This system is a response to minimalist trends in architecture and the need to integrate the space of the house with nature. The oversized construction is based on slender profiles, in which only the narrow mullions are visible (the remaining profiles can be hidden in the body of the building). The answer to the need for maximum opening of space, are also folding doors in the PE78FOLD system. This is a product favored by investors and architects as an excellent solution for opening the development space widely to the outside. When the door is folded, a free space is created between the interior of the room and its external part (usually the terrace or pool area) used seasonally. These structures provide high weather tightness and high thermal insulation. They are not only an attractive solution during the summer season, but provide a protective barrier against adverse weather conditions at any time of the year.

Drzwi z panelem pływającym w systemie Ponzio PE96HI

Floating panel doors in the Ponzio PE96HI system


Robust and safe

Entrance panel door with floating jacket in the warmest Ponzio PE96HI system is an innovative solution that reliably performs in daily operation, regardless of temperature changes. It is a variant designed for the production of doors particularly exposed to extreme temperatures. Their specialized design prevents deformation of the leaf and ensures trouble-free operation. In addition, a solid construction with a 50 mm wide thermal break protects against heat loss.

Drzwi przesuwne w systemie Ponzio SL2000 GREATVISION

Sliding doors in the Ponzio SL2000 GREATVISION system


Anti-burglary and bulletproof

The excellent technical parameters and versatility of the PE78N anti-burglary window system in the RC4 class made it possible to create a bulletproof variant. As a result, the same windows are simultaneously used as burglar-proof and bullet-proof in cl. FB4 and FB6 (using additional invisible reinforcements and the required glass). Their advantage is the modern design and the lack of visual differences compared to a classless window. Thanks to the security features used, the windows no longer require additional bars or anti-burglary roller shutters, which has a beneficial effect on the aesthetic appearance of the entire building. They can be successfully used both in public institutions and private investments.

More information about the company PROCURAL Sp. z o.o. (wcześniej: Ponzio Polska) in the PdA portal.

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