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Lamps in good light - selection of luminaires, and high glazing

19 of November '24

Showy glazing is a symbol of modern architecture, and its use is gaining popularity in residential construction as well. The lighting design in such interiors is influenced by, among other things, the orientation of the building in relation to the world, the height and density of the surrounding buildings or trees, and even the level of the floor or the part of the city where we live. What else is worth keeping in mind?

Oprawy z serii CTLS Mono i Cameleon Laser

CTLS Mono and Cameleon Laser series luminaires


Functional light even after dark

The challenges of lighting interiors with high glazing, especially those built on an open plan, are answered by the use of busbars. Their installation offers freedom in the selection of the number and type of luminaires, and once a decision is made, it can easily be changed.

In spaces with high variability in access to natural light, especially those connecting several zones, it is worth considering multi-circuit solutions, such as the three-circuit CTLS (COMMERCIAL TRACK LIGHTS SYSTEM), which allows you to use only the group of lamps you deem necessary at any given time. This solution is dedicated to spaces with large glazing, where the difference in access to natural lighting is very noticeable, because just as they are bathed in sunlight during the day, in the evenings and during the autumn and winter periods they are enveloped in darkness.

An alternative to rail systems are pendant lamps and plafonds. Among the decorative solutions worth special attention are, for example, PUMPKIN models, wrapping with a subtle glow, or HAITI, delighting with the effect of playing light and shadow on the wall.

Lampy z kolekcji Circolo Led

Lamps from the Circolo Led collection


Kitchen without revolution, bedroom with atmosphere - that is, light in the foreground

In conditions of good sunlight, a kitchen with windows overlooking the space allows you to work without using additional lighting. However, in the evenings or autumn and winter periods it is worth betting on solutions aimed at our needs - literally and figuratively. Here, too, busbars are ideal, which offer a wide range of choices, for example, in terms of moving light sources.

Lampy z kolekcji Pumpkin

Lamps from the Pumpkin collection


A bedroom bathed in sunlight during the day has its own charm, but at night it is worth betting on light that gently envelops, allows you to calm down and inspires you to sleep. Such an effect is provided, for example, by luminaires with a milky shade and fabric finish of the lampshade, such as TURDA, CHILLIN or CADILAC.

In places intended for reading, work or homework it is good to bet on standing, portable or desk lamps, and to enhance the atmospheric atmosphere with complementary lighting - for example, in the form of wall lamps, such as those from the MONO, LASER or FOURTY series.

Oprawy z serii Cameleon Snowball i oprawy punktowe Eye Mod

Cameleon Snowball series luminaires and Eye Mod spotlights


For more information, visit the company's {tag:Manufacturer} page on the A&B portal.

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