AirFlex Spectra - a new era in microbiological protection of ventilation ducts

03 of December '21

AirFlex Spectra air ducts

There are large quantities of microorganisms in the air sent through ventilation systems. For this reason, sterility prevailing in ventilation systems is a prerequisite for maintaining good living conditions in buildings and stopping the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms.

Harmful biofilm in ventilation ducts

Ventilation ducts that form an extensive network are characterized by a highly developed internal surface. This provides excellent conditions for the growth of microorganisms and the formation of biofilm. This is because, despite the use of filters in air handling units, microorganisms enter the ducts. In addition, despite the impression of smoothness of the inner surface of air ducts, in reality it is porous, even ideal for microorganisms to colonize and form biofilm, consequently posing a great danger to humans.

Microorganisms form organized communities that, as colonies grow, become resistant to environmental conditions and most chemical biocides. Microorganisms have the ability to adhere to each other, as well as to natural and artificial solid surfaces, including ventilation ducts - forming a biofilm.

Ventilationsystems covered with a biofilm are much more easily infected with pathogens such as Legionella pneumophila - the bacterium that causes the respiratory disease known as legionellosis. Pathogen cells can also cause many other diseases, including diseases that cause the body's immune system to weaken, which can facilitate influenza or COVID-19 viral infections.

The most effective and completely safe method of preventing contamination of the inner surfaces of air ducts is its functionalization in the production process using natural substances that inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

AirFlex Spectra

AIRLEX SPECTRA - ventilation ducts made of microbiologically active polymer

In order to develop a material characterized by full microbiological protection, Ingremio, engaging the help of several scientific centers, conducted a research project lasting one and a half years. As a result, a composition of microbiologically active materials was determined in 2020. The obtained antimicrobial properties, directed against a wide range of bacteria and fungi, allow the physical elimination of cells carrying out surface contamination and reduce the risk of biofilm formation. The inner wall of air ducts called AIRLEX SPECTRA is made of the new polymer.

AIRLEX SPECTRA - Redukcja bakterii AIRLEX SPECTRA - redukcja grzybów

Effectiveness of microbiological activity of AIRLEX SPECTRA ducts

Active protection for decades

The practical lack of migration of active substances makes it possible to estimate the durability of microbiological protection for several decades at a constant level. More than 350 microbiological tests were performed using various groups of microorganisms, including bacteria: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella pneumophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica; and fungi: Aspergillus brasiliensis, Candida albicans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Penicillium expansum. The use of several microbiologically active compounds in practice eliminates the defense capabilities of microorganisms and their ability to become resistant to single substances. It should be noted that the inner layer of the ducts has also been functionalized in terms of anti-staticity, which has the effect of reducing the settlement of dust on its surface.

To ensure that the quality of the saturation of active materials in the finished product can be monitored, our company used an innovative and patent-protected method through the use of a fluorescent dye in the structure of the plastic. Thus, by analyzing the spectrum emitted by the plastic, it is easy to check whether the installed product contains the highest quality Spectra microbiological protection.

In summary, the achieved level of microbiological protection in AirFlex Spectra air ducts is absolutely unique
and ahead of all previous products on the market.

AirFlex Spectra

The polymers developed by Ingremio with microbiological protection due to its effectiveness are unique in the world, and as a result, Ingremio plans to use the developed solutions in other product applications as well, including products for the medical market.

For more information, visit the company's Zakład Przetwórstwa Tworzyw Sztucznych Ingremio-Peszel page on the PdD portal.

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