Paints and plasters - Home Products

When, during construction, we have already bricked the walls it is time to finish them. Here the basis is perfectly laid plaster, but that's not all.

Smooth finish

Smooth finish

Plastering the walls is an integral point during construction or renovation. It gives a smooth, solid finish, on which the effect of the finished wall depends. It will provide a perfect base for painting or applying wallpaper. Therefore, it is worth plastering the walls solidly and avoiding unevenness.

The type of wall to be plastered and the surface will help determine what kind of plaster we need and how we will apply it. When renovating, it is often easier to plaster drywall than bare brick, as it only requires a layer of plastering - this is usually the cheapest option. In addition, attaching drywall to bare walls by screwing it to wooden battens means that we can add a layer of insulation if necessary.
There are many innovative finishing materials of this type on the market. We can opt for structural plasters with concrete, wood, metal or even brick effect. Such a product will provide protection and decoration of the facade at the same time.

Pose for color

When the walls and other elements are already properly finished, then it's time to choose the right colors and paints. Here, too, the choice is considerable. On the market we get anti-smog and air-purifying allergens, bacteria and viruses photocatalytic paints. Other paints also make it possible to increase the amount of positive human ions in interiors. After all, each of us should care about health and ecology! And for those who like a bit of craziness, we have something special - Luminous UV and night glow paints. They allow you to create stunning effects not only during the day, but even when the light is off, transporting the user into a world straight out of science fiction.


If ecology has already been mentioned, let's follow that thought. Instead of throwing away - repair! We repeat this motto very often. When there is some garden furniture lingering in the gazebo after a cold winter, no longer looking beautiful and new, let's grab a paintbrush and disenchant it from its bad charm. After all, we can do the same with a fence, all it takes is the right paint for metal and maybe a wire brush. After such a renovation, any material will be like new!

For more tips and news on how to choose wall colors and types of paint, see Paints and plasters on PRODUCTS FOR HOUSING.