Outpatient clinics

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Outpatient clinics

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Architecture of health clinics

Architecturally attractive health care facilities are appreciated on this portal. In this section we present clinics that deserve attention.

what are health clinics?

They are health care facilities, public or private, in which medical services of an outpatient nature are provided from primary health care or specialized care.

architecture of the clinic

The design of today's outpatient clinics-identical to clinics and hospitals-is an expression of an aspiration to reconcile functionality, concern for the well-being and comfort of patients, and the need for hygiene and the highest medical standards. Such is the Health Center in Przyszowice designed by architects from OVO Grąbczewscy Architekci studio. What's more, the aforementioned architectural realization manifests special care for the youngest patients and female patients, offering them a number of amenities - such as a separate entrance. In addition, part of the walls in the space intended for children have been covered with murals with cheerful themes in order to minimize their stress while waiting to be admitted to the doctor's office. Another advantage of the recalled facility is that it fits in with its surroundings through numerous references to surrounding residential buildings, as well as the local landscape.