Natalia Pączko

Graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Wrocław University of Technology. Particularly interested in widely understood ecological, sustainable architecture and urban planning. Gathered experience in professional work, cooperating with many architectural offices and participating in numerous competitions, as well as workshops (including Architektour, BEST Lisbon Summer Course). Co-author of the winning concept in the international competition Reinventing Cities. In designing, she pays special attention to the broad context of a place, functionality and aesthetics, while focusing on user needs and respect for the natural environment. She appreciates craftsmanship and regional architecture, as well as innovative material and construction solutions and modern technologies.
She is a traveler, a lover of nature, hiking in the mountains, hitchhiking trips and learning about different cultures. It is her travels, which are a source of inspiration, that taught her flexible and creative thinking, communication skills, humility, patience, and allowed her to look from many perspectives at the impact of space, and architecture on human senses and social relations.

Architektura & Biznes – articles