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Quality, naturalness and nobility... the art of living in a Krakow townhouse

23 of June '22
Technical data
Name: Apartment in a Krakow tenement
Investor: private
Location: Poland, Krakow
Studio: The Line Studio
Architects: Dominika Guca-Krawczyk, Magda Załoga
Photos: ONI Studio
Area: 80 m²
Implementation: 2022

Today we take a look inside a bright apartment located in the very center of Krakow. It is here, on the third floor of a tenement house, overlooking the lush greenery outside the window, that a couple has settled in - she a lover of design and art, he, appreciating practical solutions. The investors had precisely defined design assumptions, and for help in their implementation they approached Dominika Gucy-Krawczyk and Magda Załoga - architects from The Line Studio.

After a thorough analysis of the apartment, the architects and the investors concluded that its original layout was the optimal solution, for which they left it unchanged. The space consists of a living room with a kitchenette, a study, a bedroom and a bathroom - it was only necessary to arrange it properly.

Mieszkanie w krakowskiej kamienicy, widok części dziennej

apartment in a Krakow tenement, view of the living area

Photo: ONI Studio © The Line Studio

The heart of the apartment is the living room combined with the kitchenette. The classic, gray-maintained kitchen cabinetry contrasts with the warm shade of the oak floor. By selecting natural shades of wood - walnut (table and chairs), oak (floor), the living area creates a cozy atmosphere. In the living room, attention is drawn to the painting in a gold frame - "Blue ball" by Katarzyna Karpowicz.

 W centrum zawisnął obraz Katarzyny Karpowicz Gabinet pani domu

The wall of the living room is decorated with a painting by Katarzyna Karpowicz, while the study is decorated with photographs by Paweł Pierściński

Photo: ONI Studio © The Line Studio

The lady of the house's favorite place is the study with a century-old Philippa Selva desk. A minimalist floor lamp stands in the corner. The space is decorated with photographs by Polish photographer Pawel Piercinski.

The private space of the apartment owners is the bedroom and bathroom. Noteworthy is the wall behind the bed finished with English paneling. The rest of the walls are decorated with wallpaper with small, delicate green details in the form of clovers. The bathroom is in keeping with the style of the whole apartment - it is kept in gray, and an unusual sink and wooden cabinet are accents.

Rzut mieszkania w krakowskiej kamienicy

projection of the krakow apartment

© The Line Studio

interview with Dominika and Magda

Dobrawa Bies: Today we are talking about a very "bourgeois" interior in a Krakow tenement. Where did you start with the project?

Dominika Guca-Krawczyk: When starting a new project, we always first try to get to know the client's preferences in detail, to understand their needs. The second extremely important element is the location itself, the environment and the character of the building. If we are dealing with a place steeped in history, we try to reflect that in the project being developed, sometimes it's just an accent (a sculpture, a porcelain service from the 1930s), sometimes a larger part.

Magda Crew: Of the purely technical elements, we analyze the layout and functionality of the rooms very carefully. If there is a need, we make a revolution - we change the existing layout, increase functionality and convenience.

kcent kolorystyczny tworzą mocno granatowe drzwi szafy Szara, duża zabudowa kuchenna

For the designers, functionality and convenience of use are important

Photo: ONI Studio © The Line Studio

Dobrawa: What guided you in the selection of materials and objects in the interior? Did the investors give any suggestions?

Magda: We attach great importance to the materials used. We focus on quality, naturalness and nobility. Then we are sure that such an interior will not "age" quickly and will be resistant to fashions/trends, which, after all, change every year.

Dominika: Investors appreciate and like objects with history. Hence, we have a lot of vintage elements here. A beautiful desk from the beginning of the 20th century, an art déco style console, photographs from the 1960s taken by Pawel Piercinski, the founder of the Kielce School of Photography, and many other "goodies."

Ściany ozdabia sztuka Nietypowa półka w salonie

architects cooperate with Polish artists

Photo: ONI Studio © The Line Studio

Dobrawa: As you have already mentioned, both design classics and art attract attention. What is your recipe for combining the "old" with the "new" ?

Magda: Balance is very important, but it takes many years of experience to achieve it. There is no one simple recipe, a certain feeling, intuition is also extremely important. Sometimes you have to give up something, take a step back, so as not to overload the interior. A perfectly designed interior is one in which the client can relax, feels safe and calm.

Dominica: We search for various interesting "extras" for every project we do, and we really are able to spend a lot of time on it. We work with Polish young artists, we draw from the achievements of ceramists, craftsmen. We love to incorporate beautiful things created by passionate people into our designs. It gives us a lot of pleasure, and our customers appreciate the commitment and uncommon quality we offer them.

Wnętrze sypialni, za łóżkiem boazeria angielska

Bedroom interior, English paneling and decorative wallpaper behind the bed

Photo: ONI Studio © The Line Studio

Dobrawa: What was the biggest design challenge, and what gave you the most satisfaction?

Magda: The greatest satisfaction always comes from satisfying our customers. And I guess we can call it a challenge to convince investors to make bold purchasing decisions. In this particular case, wallpaper in a color that investors would never have chosen on their own, and in the end they are very satisfied, or a large-format painting that fits perfectly into the space in the entrance area.
On the other hand, in our work we talk a lot with the client, we get to know each other quite well during the whole design process. As a result, the solutions we present are tailored to both visual and purely functional needs.

Dominika: Or maybe we're just lucky to have informed and courageous clients :)

Dobrawa: Thank you for the interview!

interviewed: Dobrawa Bies

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